Davids Autobiography
Psalm 23
David’s Autobiography – from Shepherd to King
David began as a shepherd, so he understood the Lord’s role as his shepherd.
As a shepherd, David took care of the needs of the sheep. He fed them and watered them. He led them to a meadow rich in green grass. After feeding them, he led them to a quiet stream where they could drink without fear of danger.
Being fed and watered, they were refreshed for the journey ahead. The journey had many paths they could go down, but only one would take them to their destination. The Shepherd knew which one it was the correct one. As he led them along this path they came to a valley they would have to pass through. It was a fearful place filled with many dangers, even the possibility of death. The Shepherd guided and protected them all the way through the valley.
At the end of the successful journey a great feast was prepared for all to see, including David’s enemies. There the Shepherd anointed David. It was an anointing of a man after Gods own heart.
David was so blessed he was not able to contain it all. He had an abundance of goodness and mercy all his life.
At the end of his journey he would live in the Shepherds house forever.
By Ronnie Bergeron